Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Power of the walk

A walk all alone in the middle of the night across a well known path or one that you never have walked on tends to be quite the trip when you are feeling a bit off. I have often found it surprising how far away my thoughts go as I just walk on and on looking around me. Its really quite soothing. I dont recommend this but yeah get an ipod with you and just humm along as you walk. I assure you this has nothing to do with exercise in anyway. Its just a leisurely stroll at the end of a long day.
Thing is most of us nowadays suffer from a strange type of insomnia. We cant hit the sack until say 11 or 12. In such scenarios when you are up at 10 and have nothing to do I usually just pick myself up and walk away into the night. More often than not I end up thinking about my day. Thinking what I did and if I could have done it any better. Sometimes I think about my family and friends and just laugh as I remember some good times.
Sometimes when I have a big day the next day I take a walk and then find somewhere outdoors to just sit. Do nothing but just sit. I call this my epiphany moment. Simply cause when I do this I get all kinds of ideas on how to tackle the day, problem or worry. More often than not, I get some good ideas.
I dont shun company on these walks, I welcome it. One of the many ways to get closer to someone is by just walking with them. As you walk they tend to open up to you if you just listen. Everyone has something to talk about in a walk. At the end of it, everyone feels a little better. Its honestly like an aphrodisiac for your self. You feel a lot stronger and less hopeless. There is no need to open up about the problem, sometimes just listening to others problems helps you get over your own. Sometimes talking about absolute balderdash helps your mind calm down and think better.
A walk is a very powerful tool that I use for introspective analysis too. Very often when I feel I am straying from my goal I quietly just walk collecting my thoughts. Sometimes its even happened that I have realised about my straying while on a walk.
I'm sure this sounds silly, but it works for me. A simple walk at the end of the day. Maybe it might for you?

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